Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Tugas 1 - Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Rabu 03 Feb 2016, 03:06 WIB

Memasuki MEA, Kemenristekdikti akan Dorong Kompetensi Mahasiswa

Jakarta - Menristekdikti M Nasir memberikan saran bagi mahasiswa di era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean. Ia mendorong setiap mahasiswa, pelajar, dosen, dan bidang lain untuk mempersiapkan dirinya memiliki kompetensi dan keahliannya sendiri di bidang yang digeluti.

"Kalau di era MEA pendidikan kita harus menghasilkan sumberdaya yang mampu berkompetisi. Harus berkompetensi yang bisa dijadikan ukuran. Era kompetisi yang dijadikan pemenang. Pemenang adalah mereka yang memiliki kompetensi. Kalau kompetensinya itu baik, dia menang. Oleh karena itu, khususnya program Diploma 3 kami akan dorong masalah kompetensi. Kemudian untuk S1 di bidang engineering ini segera selesai perpresnya PP tentang keinsinyuran, nanti insinyur itu akan kami lakukan uji kompetensinya supaya nanti ada standar yang ditetapkan sehingga nanti ada pengakuan internasional," kata Menristek M Nasir dikantornya, Jl Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (2/2/2016).

Sejauh ini menurut M Nasir pemerintah telah merancang perpres tentang terkait insinyur itu, tetapi masih dalam proses meski telah ada gambaran programnya.

"Desain program sudah saya siapkan bersama "Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) mereka yang sudah menyiapkan terus, ini ada tim dari Dikti yang terlibat di dalamnya," imbuh Nasir.

Nasir menyayangkan mahasiswa Indonesia belum sepenuhnya dapat berkompetensi di era MEA. Ia pun akan melakukan pertukaran mahasiswa antar perguruan tinggi supaya bisa mentransfer ilmu dan berkembang.

"Maka perguruan tinggi kita yang sudah besar, sedang, dan yang kecil nanti kita akan kita sharing ini. Kita sharing itu perguruan tinggi besar bisa membina peruruan tinggi kecil. Perguruan tinggi besar akan saya datangkan tenaga dari luar negeri, tujuannya adalah supaya accelarasi world class menjadi lebih cepat," imbuhnya.

Terkait mahasiswa menurut Nasir akan mengikuti perkembangan penerimaan mahasiswa. Bila universitas itu telah membuka kelas internasional berarti saat profesor dari luar negeri di datangkan sudah tidak ada masalah karena terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Nasir menyebut langkah strategis untuk menghadapi MEA pada mahasiswa untuk mempelajari ilmu marketing dan entrepreneur. Perbedaan kompetensi dari satu individu dengan individu lain harus terlihat nyata dalam praktik menurut Nasir.

"Kita mencari indiferensi, indiferensi itu dari segi teori bisa tetapi begitu kita terapkan dalam praktik gimana caranya. Masing-masing kita harus punya kompetensi, kalau gak bisa kompetensi gak bisa kompeten. Contoh sebagai jurnalis akan diterima di media mana pun kalau punya kompetensi, tapi kalau tidak, tidak akan diterima di media. Kompetensi ini menjadi sangat sehat dan kompetensi menjadi ukuran, maka ukuran ini harus diwujudkan dan operasionalkan sehingga indiferensi itu sangat jelas sekali," tutup nasir.

Comment :

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 is an ASEAN economic integration in the face of free trade between countries of ASEAN countries. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a system of free trade between ASEAN member countries. So in this system eliminated by customs and excise and other countries are free to enter the goods. All ASEAN member countries have agreed this agreement. AEC is designed to realize the ASEAN insight 2020.

In this article I agree with the opinion Mr. Nasir said that Indonesian students in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community should prepare to have the competence and expertise of each. But it is not only for students, the lecturer must participate in encouraging students to have a good competence. Because lecturer who are very role for students. The Indonesian students are not yet fully able to compete in the era of AEC. Therefore, the government will conduct student exchange between universities in order to transfer knowledge and develop.

The universities are required to prepare students to be graduates who are able to compete in the AEC. Effort to prepare students to be ready to face the AEC can be done college through of academic and non-academic. The characters in question include: initiative, integrity, commitment, creative, independent, self-management, and collaboration. Character education in college is important that students be globally competitive and able to face the AEC. Implementation of character education for students with three lines, namely: (1) where the curricular character education integrated in the lecture; (2) curricular with activities programmed and structured as an example of training activities Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ), tutorial of religious education, creativity training, leadership training, entrepreneurship training; (3) Extracurricular. The third line is also in line with the teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara trilogy garden education students.

As a student who has a role in nation building, also has a role in the AEC. The students can do research or research that will have many benefits not only for themselves but also the government and society. With their excellent research in the field of exact and social will be able to provide benefits and new breakthrough against what should be done, especially in increase the quality of human resources is still lagging behind other ASEAN countries such as Singapore and Malaysia as well as to know and understand what must be handle by the government and the community itself.

The students who are required to be able to compete with students from other countries in terms of quality, the Indonesian students are also able to collaborate with the other students both in research to ASEAN as well as research in other ways so that the AEC is not only the competition precedence to grab the market but also collaborated how ASEAN can build the quality of human resources better.

The strategy steps in dealing with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) to students to learn the science of marketing and entrepreneur. The students can also play an active role as a young entrepreneur who has the power of creative thinking, innovative and critical so it will be able to compete with students from other ASEAN countries. In addition to entrepreneurship would create new jobs and will instill in each individual to become job creators and not job seekers so as to be able to create a product - an innovative of new products and has a high efficiency for the wider community.

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