Wednesday on 3th April 2013. As usually I was through my days in campus. I went
to the campus at 9.30 with my friend. Before left, I took a
bath and breakfast, so that
my body healthy
and fit. Every time I went to the
campus to use motor bicycle. I arrived in campus at 10.15. The courses
on Wednesday are PKTI A and Economic
Development Introduction.
At 10.30 I learned PKTI A, but I didn’t learn because last Wednesday my group had
presented about Ms. Excel, so I was in class just chat and joked with my friends,
not only that we eat in class. Hehehe…
PKTI A ended at 11.30, I and my friends out of the class and looked for a place to ate because we were very hungry. Istana
Soto where we ate. We ordered Soto Padang, Soto Banjarmasin and Soto Mie Bogor.
We in Istana Soto until at 12.30, because at that hour we still there the
course is Economic Development Introduction. And I and my friends
would be the presentation about the main problem in economic development. After the presentation ended, I and my friends
sat in place of each. And I continued to summarize the group after me. The
all presentations had completed, the group me and my friend had presented. And
Mrs. Wuri also gave me and my friends the task to search the article about real
example the role of government in development. The article could be found in
internet and newspapers.
finished at 14.30.
and my friend went to the
parking. Today made me very tired. I arrived at 16.00 in home. After arrived in
home, I took a rest. And then I watched tv, took a bath, and praying. At 19.30
I was dinner with my family. After dinner, I studied to review the lesson
yesterday. In spare time when I studied, I spare time to bbm and twitter with
my friends. At 21.30, I had to sleep because tomorrow morning I had to go to
the campus again.